【GENSOKISHI】How to Repair Base & Cosplay Equipment

GENSOKISHI ONLINE’s equipment has a [Condition] (CND) and when the CND value is depleted, the equipment is damaged. The status of the equipment is significantly reduced. Equipment with low CND values or damaged equipment can be repaired to regain its original performance.

To repair equipment, in-game currency is required. The required in-game currency for Cosplay Equipment is “mMV” and for Base Equipment is “mROND”.

How to repair Cosplay Equipment

To repair Cosplay Equipment, in-game currency “mMV” is required. You need to import the “MV” token into the game.

Please refer to the following articles for how to obtain MV tokens and import them into the game.

▶How to obtain MV tokens ▶How to import MV tokens

The steps to repair Cosplay Equipment are as follows:

STEP1│Talk to the “Weapon Repair Master”

Cosplay Equipment repair can be performed by the Weapon Repair Master. You can find the Weapon Repair Master in the following areas:

  • Elrond Town
  • Elrond Shopping District
  • Colkia Village

From the repair menu, select “Repair->Repair Cosplay Equipment.”

STEP2│Select the equipment you want to repair

From the equipment list, select the Cosplay Equipment you want to repair. You can also repair Cosplay Equipment that is currently equipped.

Once selected, the Cosplay Equipment to be repaired will be displayed on the right. This time, we will repair a rare equipment with a condition of 80% and restore it to 100%.

You can repair with the decrease in CND. If CND is at 80%, repair with 20% “mMV”. Repair costs are the same regardless of when you repair.

STEP3│Check Required “mMV” and Complete Repair

Cosplay Equipment repair requires “mMV”. Check the mMV consumed and select “Repair”.

Refer to the following article for using FT Import in-game as “mMV” by using MV Tokens.

▶How to import MV tokens

CND (Condition) to be repaired and the required cost (mMV) are displayed, so select “Yes”.

Now Cosplay Equipment repair is complete.

How to Repair Base Equipment

Base equipment can be repaired with the “mROND” acquired in-game. The repair process is the same as for Cosplay Equipment.

When repairing your Cosplay Equipment, speak to the “GENSOKISHI ONLINE weapon repair master”.

Select “Repair Weapon Equipment” when repairing your base equipment. You can also repair your equipped base equipment.

Select the equipment you want to repair.

The required CND (condition) and cost (mROND) for repair are displayed, so select “Yes”. mROND is the currency required to repair base equipment and can be earned in the game.

LINE Friend
Contract address(MV:ERC20)0xAE788F80F2756A86aa2F410C651F2aF83639B95b
Contract address(MV:Polygon)0xA3c322Ad15218fBFAEd26bA7f616249f7705D945
Contract address(Rond:ERC20)0x82197d7446a435105d6F3a430D72a6713960E34D
Contract address(Rond:Polygon)0x204820b6e6feae805e376d2c6837446186e57981

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ROND(polygon) currency chart

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