[GENSOKISHI] Fool’s Wasteland (S)/Castellum Aurora Entrance Monster Data [Weakness/Resistance]

[GENSOKISHI] Fool's Wasteland (S)/Castellum Aurora Entrance Monster Data [Weakness/Resistance]

I have compiled data on monsters that appear in Fool’s Wastel and  (S) and Castellum Aurora Entrance.

The items are indicated by “◎” and “○” to represent weaknesses and “×” and “▲” to represent resistances.

Fool’s Wasteland (S)

Fool's Wasteland (S)
Creme Jell2762720××Azure Crystal (Huge),Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small)
Creme Jell29102400××Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Stinger Bee28100912Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Hornet29124656Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Razor Bee31186153Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Lubani Hornet31186153Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Mair Bee32206153Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Asuk Hornet32209230Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Ganister Savage29174048Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Legnister Savage29174048Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Ganister Savage30207200Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Legnister Savage30207200Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Berat Savage31231076Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Anvir Savage33294861Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Buster Savage35358615Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Headband of Endurance
Savage Leader37477232Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Pelle Tunic
Savage Avenger36390492Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Pelle Leggings
Valif Skeleton30187600×Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Mind Skeller30187600×Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Serrate Skeleton31238461×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Soul Skeller31254153×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Laughing Skeleton32238107×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Jagged Skeller32242930×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Laughing Skeleton33323076×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Jagged Skeller33307692×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Remnant33390353×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Leaf Bloom31208000×××Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Sea Warrior's Spear
Oruk Skull368736000×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Alder Rod,Apostle Mace
Oruk Zeal368736000×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Alder Rod,Sea Warrior's Spear,Centurion Sword

Castellum Aurora Entrance

Castellum Aurora Entrance
Stinger Hornet30148400××Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Swift Hornet31186153××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Shroud Hornet32215384××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Raging Hornet33297384××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Comet Hornet34319169××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Comet Hornet36364862××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Valosflora29137611×××Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Valosflora32292307×××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Valosflora33307692×××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Valosflora34338461××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Valosflora35369230××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Agate Skeleton29157584×Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Baremail Skeleton30187600×Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Arval Skeleton31263076×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Bane Skeleton33300000×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Bane Skeleton34323156×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Bane Skeleton36371554×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Agate Skeller29157584×Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Baremail Skeller30200000×Violet Crystal (Tiny),Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium)
Skellmare31277153×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Bane Skeller33292307×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Bane Skeller35390492×Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Revade Remnant33359253×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Juranu Remnant34432707×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Eerie Remnant36517138×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Revade Transi32348276×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Juranu Transi34432707×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Juranu Transi35474923×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large)
Eerie Transi36517138×××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Rose Fleuret
Gargolex36664892××××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Gryphon Claws (R)
Gargosare36664892××××××××Violet Crystal (Small),Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Rotten Wand
Engela?3711686500××××××Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Violet Crystal (Huge),Forgotten Prophecies
Hopeslayer3916140600××××××××Violet Crystal (Medium),Violet Crystal (Large),Violet Crystal (Huge),Ninja Claws (R),Earth Wand,Black Ledger,Bashing Mace,Centurion Mail

Monsters in other areas

Please refer to this for monsters in other areas.

Outset Plains/Training GroundsAteria Plains (W)/Ateria Plains (E)
Purify Chamber/Ateria Plains (N)Eltos Rampart/Colkia Plains
Ateria Barrack Ruins/Velk RuinsAteria Submaze/Elrond Underground Canal
Ivwal Caves/Mt. ArrozFloating Palace Schalan/Bolgona Island
Flame Spirit Lair/Kalhari DesertRummel Temple/Kalhari Shore
Colkia Hole/Dragon’s JowlDim Netherworld/Darkness Hole
Zeth Forest (E)/Zeth Forest (W)Zeth Altar/Fool’s Wasteland (N)
Fool’s Wasteland (S)/Castellum Aurora EntranceCastellum Aurora Hall
Corruption Tower/Emerald Tail TowerPaladias Islands/Bandit Rock
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